mardi 25 janvier 2011

coup de folie septennal

Wikipédia :
Ursula and Sabina Eriksson, born 1967, are a pair of Swedish twins who came to national attention in the United Kingdom in 2008 after an apparent episode of folie à deux which resulted in unique footage of insanity on the M6 motorway and the killing of Glenn Hollinshead. No drugs or alcohol were involved in any of the incidents. Their actions have never been explained other than by a rare induced delusional disorder which caused the pair to be temporarily insane.

The twins met in Ireland before travelling to England. After their odd behaviour caused them to be left at an M6 service station, they ran on to the motorway numerous times and were struck by oncoming vehicles causing Ursula to be incapacitated. Sabina refused medical aid and attacked a police officer, at which point she was arrested. After being released by police in Stoke-on-Trent, Sabina then was taken in by a local resident whom she later killed in an unprovoked attack. She was arrested after jumping off a bridge into a busy road and later pleaded guilty to manslaughter with diminished responsibility. She was sentenced to five years imprisonment and is scheduled for release in mid 2011.


c'était en 2008 : l'affaire de ces deux jumelles suédoises prises de coups de folie n'a apparemment jamais pu être expliquée...
et pourtant des éléments sont peut-être là :
- entrée dans la période critique septennale des 42 ans (pic aux alentours de 41 ans et demi)
- les cycles courts ( mais je n'ai pas trouvé la date de naissance) indiqueraient probablement un jour critique émotionnel ou physique. nées en 1967, mais le... ?)  juillet ?
- il faut savoir que deux jumelles étant nées le même jour ont leur vie durant les mêmes cycles : cela peut parfaitement expliquer le coup de folie commun, la situation cyclique des deux étant toujours identique... les mêmes épisodes de pulsions ou perturbations vont survenir en même temps...

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