jeudi 26 septembre 2013

l'homme bleu

Man who found Internet fame when his skin turned permanently blue dies after suffering a heart attack Paul Karason was 62 when he died Monday at Washington hospital He was admitted to the hospital after suffering a heart attack. He later contracted pneumonia and had a severe stroke Karason shot to Internet fame several years ago for the blue color of his skin, which was a side effect using a silver compound for more than a decade to treat a bad case of dermatitis on his face


l'homme bleu est décédé à l'entrée dans sa période critique septennale des 63 ans. j'ai tenté de trouver depuis quand il a des problèmes... donnée incertaine mais il semblerait qu'il prenne de l'argent colloïdal depuis 21 ans, soit sa période critique septennale des 42 ans... la coloration bleue de sa peau serait venue progressivement...

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