lundi 29 juillet 2013


Mort du hacker Barnaby Jack, détrousseur de distributeurs
L'un des plus célèbres hackers de ces dernières années, Barnaby Jack, 35 ans, a été retrouvé sans vie, jeudi 25 juillet, dans son appartement de San Francisco. Les cause de sa mort sont encore inconnues.


Barnaby Michael Douglas Jack (November 22, 1977 – July 25, 2013) was a New Zealand hacker, programmer and computer security professional. He was known for his presentation at the Black Hat computer security conference in 2010, during which he exploited two ATMs and made them dispense fake paper currency on the stage. Among his other most notable works were the exploitation of various medical devices, including pacemakers and insulin pumps
Jack was found dead in a San Francisco apartment on July 25, 2013 by a family member. He was aged 35. At the time of his death, he was due to attend a Black Hat Briefings hacking conference in Las Vegas. Black Hat general manager Trey Ford, said "Everyone would agree that the life and work of Barnaby Jack are legendary and irreplaceable", and announced his spot would not be replaced at the conference. People across the hacking and security industries tweeted of the loss at his passing. Security expert Dan Kaminsky, at first hoping this was one of Jack's hoaxes, sent "God, the stories. Nobody caused such hilarious trouble like @barnaby_jack (Wikipédia)


(c'est un décès en jour critique physique P12).

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