samedi 21 mai 2011


La fin du monde était prévue pour 18 heures.


Wikipédia :
Harold Egbert Camping (born July 19, 1921) is a Christian radio broadcaster and president of Family Radio, a California-based religious broadcasting network that spans more than 150 outlets in the United States as well as a website.
In 1970, Camping published The Biblical Calendar of History (later greatly expanded in Adam When?), in which he dated the Creation of the world to the year 11,013 BC and the Flood to 4990 BC. This was in contrast to Bishop James Ussher's famous chronology, which placed creation at 4004 BC and the Flood at 2348 BC. Camping argued that Ussher's dates "agree neither with the Biblical nor the secular evidence" and thus Ussher's methodology was flawed.
In 1992, Camping published a book titled 1994?, in which he proclaimed that Christ's return might be on September 6, 1994


les publications successives, entre autre des annonces de la fin du monde, par Harold Camping semblent être le fruit de l'inspiration de certaines de ses périodes critiques septennales. c'est souvent le cas, la période critique étant entre autre une "période d'hyperactivité du cerveau"...
elle est à l'origine de nombreux "éveils" et vocations de célébrités et gourous...
(ici : 1970 et période critique septennale des 49 ans et 1992 période critique septennale des 70 ans)

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