mercredi 7 juillet 2010


Six killed in Cairo shooting spree
Six people were killed and six others wounded when a bus driver opened fire at them in the Egyptian capital on Tuesday, Xinhua reported. Mahmoud Taha Ahmed Soweilam, 55, who works for the state-run Arab Contractors Company, opened fire at his colleagues on their way to work in al-Manawat village in
southwestern Cairo, the firm said in a statement.

The driver opened fire in a burst of anger when two of his colleagues refused to get off the bus upon his orders, eyewitnesses said. He was later arrested.


c'est apparemment un chauffeur de bus qui a tué six de ses passagers...
il a 55 ans mais j'ai vu ailleurs que l'on disait 54 ans.
55 ans correspondrait mieux à l'entrée dans la période critique septennale de 56 ans et période à risque de coup de folie de ce type...
peut-être aurons nous plus de précisions...

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