mercredi 27 juillet 2011


Suicide de Jeret Peterson, médaille d'argent aux JO d'hiver 2010
L'Américain Jeret Peterson, médaille d'argent de ski freestyle aux jeux olympiques d'hiver 2010 à Vancouver, s'est suicidé, a annoncé mardi la police de l'Utah. Il a été retrouvé mort dans un ravin isolé dans cet Etat de l'ouest du pays. Ce spécialiste de saut acrobatique, âgé de 29 ans, avait été accusé de conduire vendredi en état d'ivresse à Hailey dans l'Idaho.


Wikipédia :
Jeret "Speedy" Peterson (December 12, 1981 – July 25, 2011) was an American World Cup aerial skier from Boise, Idaho, skiing out of Bogus Basin. A three-time Olympian, he won the silver medal at the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver. Peterson was found dead in Lambs Canyon, Utah on July 25, 2011. The cause of death was determined to be a self-inflicted gunshot wound.
On July 25, 2011, Peterson was found dead in Lambs Canyon, Utah. The cause of death was determined to be a self-inflicted gunshot wound. Three days previously, Peterson had been arrested for driving while intoxicated. In Italy, he was still reeling from the suicide of a friend, who had shot himself in front of Peterson only months before. Peterson also had problems with alcohol and depression and admitted he had his own thoughts of suicide, all stemming from a childhood in which he was sexually abused and lost his 5-year-old sister to a drunk driver.


sa situation :

juillet 2011 (12/12/1981)
Me 20
Je 21
Ve 22
Sa 23 E(8)
Di 24 P(7) I(26)
Lu 25
Ma 26
Me 27
Je 28

29 ans et sept mois, mais des problèmes probablement depuis un moment en font un suicide lié au passage dans la période critique septennale des 28 ans. son alcoolisation semble coincider avec l'arrivée du jour critique émotionnel - jour "à risque" - et le suicide a eu lieu à l'issue d'un passage triplement critique E8 - P7 - i26.

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